What to do if a Tree Falls on Your Roof During a Storm

by Apr 18, 2024

Storms can bring significant damage to properties, especially from falling trees. Understanding what steps to take immediately if a tree falls on your roof can prevent further damage and ensure safety. Here’s a guide on how to handle such a stressful event effectively, including a useful Q&A to address common concerns.

tree falls on house

Immediate Steps to Take if a Tree Falls

  1. Ensure Safety: First and foremost, ensure everyone’s safety by evacuating the affected area if necessary. Account for all family members, visitors, and pets.
  2. Emergency Services: If the tree has caused a severe hazard, such as damage to power lines or structural integrity, call 911. Immediate professional help is crucial in these situations.
  3. Document the Damage: Take photos and make notes detailing the extent of the damage. This will be invaluable when you file insurance claims or need repairs done.
  4. Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurer as soon as possible. Prompt communication can expedite your claims process and clarify what costs will be covered.
  5. Professional Assessment and Removal: Contact a licensed tree removal service to safely remove the tree. Additionally, have structural engineers or roofing experts (like us!) assess the structural damage to your home.
  6. Mitigate Further Damage: Temporary repairs might be necessary to prevent additional issues, such as using tarps to cover roof damage or boarding up broken windows.

Long-Term Considerations

  • Tree Health: Regularly check the health of trees around your property to prevent future incidents. Consider professional assessments from arborists.
  • Insurance Review: Post-incident is a good time to review your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage for similar future events.


Q: What if a tree falls from a neighbor’s yard?

A: Typically, your own homeowner’s insurance should cover the damage to your property, regardless of the tree’s origin. However, it’s important to check local laws as they can vary.

Q: Will insurance cover all costs associated with the removal and repairs?

A: This depends on your policy details. Some costs might be out of pocket, such as certain removal expenses or landscaping. Understanding your coverage limits and deductibles is crucial.

Q: What should I do if I can’t stay in my home?

A: If your home is unsafe, your insurance policy might cover the cost of temporary relocation. Always check with your insurer for such provisions.

Q: How can I prevent future incidents?

A: Regular maintenance, such as pruning and health checks by a qualified arborist, can greatly reduce the risk of trees falling during a storm.

Dealing with a tree falling on your house can be overwhelming. However, taking systematic steps and having a clear understanding of how to handle the aftermath can mitigate stress and lead to a smoother recovery process. Remember, safety is paramount; everything else can be managed step by step.

For more detailed guidance on what to do when a tree falls on your house during a storm, consider visiting resources such as this and this.


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